Juni Taisen: Zodiac War (2017)

Juuni Taisen / 十二大戦

Inglés Comments – Juni Taisen: Zodiac War

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Avatar: Aki-San#1

Wasted potential. That's how i would describe this with as few words as possible.

If you want a fulfilling, elaborated anime - don't watch this. This is the zenith of coitus interuptus. As soon as a Character starts to develop, it's killed. As soon as some kind of Story starts to evolve, it's killed. Animation, Music and the potential would be around 3,5-4 Stars, if not for this Story and Character flushing...


Especially the fighting is just stupid. The characters are shown to be proficient, just to be killed by an easy-to-dodge, lame attack. It seems, whoever made this wanted to stop any kind of development as  soon as possible.

.. well CR has it's claws in it, so that's at least some kind of hint, if not the reason..

Damn, what a shame. The do-as-infinity video was a heck of a teaser and than this. :/

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