La Princesa Mononoke (1997)

Mononoke-hime / もののけ姫



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When the young warrior Ashitaka tries to protect his village from a boar that has become a demon, he is struck by a deadly curse. To save his own life, he travels to the west, hoping to find help from the gods living there. Shortly after his arrival, however, he finds himself in the midst of a conflict: the animal inhabitants of the forest oppose the humans destroying the forest in order to get their hands on the metallic raw materials. In this, the animals are led by Princess Mononoke, a woman raised by wolves.

Ashitaka tries to understand those involved in the conflict and stop the bloodshed. However, both sides accuse him of supporting the respective opponent, making it hard for Ashitaka to mediate. Eventually, the situation threatens to escalate …
Als der junge Krieger Ashitaka versucht, sein Dorf vor einem zum Dämon gewordenen Keiler zu beschützen, wird er von einem tödlichen Fluch befallen. Um sein eigenes Leben zu retten, reist er in Richtung Westen, wo er sich von den dort lebenden Göttern Hilfe erhofft. Kurz nach seiner Ankunft findet er sich jedoch inmitten eines Konfliktes wieder: Die tierischen Waldbewohner stehen den Menschen gegenüber, die den Wald zerstören, um an die metallischen Rohstoffe zu gelangen. Hierbei werden die Tiere von Prinzessin Mononoke, einer Frau, die von Wölfen aufgezogen wurde, angeführt.

Ashitaka versucht, die am Konflikt Beteiligten zu verstehen und das Blutvergießen zu stoppen; dies wird dadurch erschwert, dass ihm von beiden Seiten stets vorgeworfen wird, den jeweiligen Gegner zu unterstützen. Die Lage droht vollkommen zu eskalieren …
Descrizione dell’editore italiano Lucky Red:
Ashitaka, un giovane guerriero della dinastia Emishi, è costretto a uccidere un cinghiale selvatico posseduto da una divinità malvagia. Ferito al braccio dall’animale, il giovane colpito da una maledizione mortale, deve lasciare il suo villaggio per cercare il modo di neutralizzare la maledizione. Durante il suo viaggio si imbatte nella giovane San, una ragazza selvatica allevata dai lupi e soprannominata Principessa Mononoke, “la principessa degli spettri”, e conosce anche i suoi nemici umani, i Tatara, una comunità di fabbri costruttori di armi da fuoco, guidati da Lady Eboshi, volitiva leader che ha come obiettivo la distruzione delle foreste abitate dai lupi e dagli altri animali cari a San.
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Imagénes (30 Screenshots)



  • Ashitaka

    Look, everyone! This is what hatred looks like! This is what it does when it catches hold of you! It’s eating me alive, and very soon now it will kill me! Fear and anger only make it grow faster!


    Watch closely…this is how you kill a god!




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