Kakegurui (Jugadores Dementes) (2014)

Kakegurui / 賭ケグルイ


  • Manga: Kakegurui (Jugadores Dementes)
    © 2014 Tooru Naomura, Square Enix Co., Ltd.
    • Japonés Kakegurui
      Tipo: Manga
      Estado: Corriente
      Publicado: 22.03.2014 ‑ ?
      Tomos / Capítulos: 17+ / 102+
      Mangaka: Homura KAWAMOTO Autor Tooru NAOMURA Ilustrador
      Adaptado de: Obra única
      Página web: global.manga-up.com
    • Inglés Kakegurui: Compulsive Gambler
      Estado: Corriente
      Publicado: 25.08.2015 ‑ ?
      Tomos / Capítulos: 15+ / 88+
      Editorial: Yen Press, LLC
    • Español Kakegurui (Jugadores Dementes)
      Estado: Corriente
      Publicado: 26.09.2018 ‑ ?
      Tomos / Capítulos: 15+ / ?
    • Sinónimos: Kake-gurui


Un breve resumen de Manga «Kakegurui (Jugadores Dementes)» ayudaría a muchos fans del Anime y Manga. ¿Ya conoces este Manga? Entonces apoya a aniSearch y añade una descripción del contenido del Mangas «Kakegurui (Jugadores Dementes)» por nuestra a través de nuestra máscara de entrada. ¡Con esto ayudas a toda la comunidad de Anime y Manga!
Hyakkaou Private Academy. An institution for the privileged with a very peculiar curriculum. You see, when you’re the sons and daughters of the wealthiest of the wealthy, it’s not athletic prowess or book smarts that keep you ahead. It’s reading your opponent, the art of the deal. What better way to hone those skills than with a rigorous curriculum of gambling? At Hyakkaou Private Academy, the winners live like kings, and the losers are put through the wringer. But when Yumeko Jabami enrolls, she’s gonna teach these kids what a high roller really looks like!
An der Hyakkaou-Privatakademie für privilegierte Söhne und Töchter bestimmt ein eigenartiger Lehrplan das Leben. Die Reichen unter den Reichen zeichnen sich nämlich nicht durch Muskelkraft oder Intelligenz aus ‒ nein, ihre Karriere steht und fällt damit, wer sein Gegenüber besser einschätzen und manipulieren kann. Warum also nicht den ganzen Unterrichtsstoff auf Glücksspiele auslegen? Während die Gewinner an der Hyakkaou-Privatakademie also ein Leben wie Könige führen, werden die Verlierer kräftig in die Mangel genommen. Yumeko Jabami, als Neue an der Schule, hat es sich allerdings zum Ziel gesetzt, den Möchtegern-Bossen zu zeigen, was es wirklich bedeutet, hoch zu pokern.
Testo della bandella:
Un thriller psicologico che vi conquisterà! Vogliamo scommettere? Nel prestigioso Liceo Hyakkaou, frequentato dai rampolli delle élite, i rapporti di forza sono decisi dal sangue freddo, dall’ingegno e dall’abilità nel gioco d’azzardo: chi finisce indebitato si ritrova a essere l’animaletto domestico di chi vince. In questa scuola si trasferisce Yumeko, che si dimostrerà una vera maniaca del gioco d’azzardo in grado di sconvolgere gli equilibri...
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  • Yumeko JABAMI

    Isn’t that what makes it all fun? Madness is the essence of gambling, isn’t it? In capitalist society, money and life are the same thing. And no person with his right mind would trust his own life to the Hands of fate. Even so, people still crowd the casinos because they enjoy the madness of betting their own lives! In that case, the crazier the more betting is enjoyed! Let’s get on with our game!

  • Yumeko JABAMI

    Instead of living on in ignorance, wouldn’t you rather die, knowing everything?

  • Yumeko JABAMI

    Gambling is my life’s purpose. I don’t need anything else.

  • Yumeko JABAMI

    Gambling is fun because both people feel pain at the same time. So why did you try to make it so that you alone felt the pain in this game? You do not enjoy gambling. You simply wish to die. You’re the type of person I hate the most. To speak frankly … you piss me off.




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